Thirty Five

I have never been too concerned about getting older, in fact my natural impatience has meant that I am probably too keen to see what’s round the corner. I often have to remind my self to pause. To breath. And enjoy the ride. So…. I start my thirty sixth year of life with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

I’m grateful for the growth and clarity that the last four months in particular have afforded me.

I’m grateful for my health, for time, and for the confidence and desire to be the change I am desperate to see.

I’m grateful for my black family and friends and the strength and grace by which they live their lives, which continues to inspire me.

I’m grateful for non-black friends that have engaged in hard conversations and are converting their words to actions so this ‘flash’ of intensity becomes sustainable.

I’m grateful for everyone that is open to listening, learning, and growing with grace and compassion.

I’m grateful for the unconditional love my husband gives me when I’m at my worst, the support from my family, the laughter from my friends, and the hugs and kisses from my beautiful girl. Her gently whispered ‘I love you Mama’ will always be everything to me.

I’m grateful for my future home that is taking shape at a pace that honestly leaves my breathless.

I’m grateful for my architect (haha!) and builders and engineer…even building control. I’m grateful for every hand and voice that has got the project to where it is.

My gratitude (as always) is mixed with a dollop of anxiety and a sprinkling of self doubt… but I’m working on processing that and pushing through despite it. I’m determined to make the people I love, and myself, hella’ proud.

Let’s go!

View from our ‘sunken’ kitchen into the living/dining space

View from our ‘sunken’ kitchen into the living/dining space

Ground floor ceiling framework

Ground floor ceiling framework



We’re keeping the chairs : )

We’re keeping the chairs : )




Moving Up