The Interview

This is a compilation of the 231 conversations my toddler and I have had about the house we’re building.

I hope you find her insights helpful.

Me: Hey, so what do you think about the house we’re building?

Toddler: Daddy’s building me my pink house… Alex and Tibi [our builders] are building our house.

Me: But you know it’s not pink, right? It’s going to be black.

Toddler: * blank stare *

Me: Alex and Tibi are actually building us a black house.

Toddler: No mama, it’s going to be pink…. and it’s going to have a flag at the top…. and it’s going to be lovely.

Me: Okay. So, who is going to live in the pink house?

Toddler: Me.

Me: Anyone else.….?

Toddler: Mama and Daddy and Me

Me: Nice! And how many bedroom will we have?

Toddler: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. TEN!

Me: Wow, that sounds amazing. How long will it take to build?

Toddler: Two weeks

Me: * blank stare *

Toddler: ….and Peppa Pig hurt her head and she was sad.. mama.. hold camel… Hello Camel… How are you today? How is your family?….

[Interview Ends]




Is this black?