It’s Happening
We still do not have internet (I’ll save a BT rant for another day), our courtyard tiles need fixing or replacing after being damaged by the team that laid the micro cement flooring, we still need to do some painting, a little bit of electrical work, build a lot of storage, and get final sign off from building control…. but….
…the floor is finished, the staircase is sanded and protected, we passed the air test, and we’ve made all the ugly but complaint additions that building control required….
Sorry for the ass shot!
Which means….
We’ve booked the van, bought loads of heavy-duty boxes and we’re finally ready to carry our load and move in!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s actually time.
Considering how long we’ve been waiting for this moment, it’s still taken us by surprise. I feel unprepared and a little startled by the whirlwind of move-related activities, but here we go.
See you on the other side.✌🏾