Favourite things

Even though progress is slow, and there’s not always a big change to go and ‘inspect’, we still go to the house most days to drop off our endless deliveries and lament over the fact that it’s Still. Not. Ready.

It’s also way too easy to zero in on the flaws, the dodgy bits, and those things we would have considered differently if we could do it all again. This seems natural when you’ve invested so much time and headspace on a project, and also, that’s the life of an architect (and his wife). There’s always the possibility of a different way the problem could have been solved, and the gulf between the drawings and the reality of construction can be disappointing (and confusing).

I do, however, have to remind myself how far we’ve come and the fact that this house will never ever really be ‘done’. We’ll continue to craft the spaces once we move in. We’ll get to know it and it will slowly but surely start to reflect its inhabitants.

For now, these are a few of my favourite things….



